If you are looking for binoculars, you will always come across a sequence of numbers such as 8x42 or 10x50 when searching for the right optics. It is always so prominently displayed because you can directly read off the two most important characteristics of a pair of binoculars from it: The first number describes the magnification and the second number the lens diameter. Here you can find out what to look for in a pair of hunting binoculars.

Magnification factor
When hunting, it is important to be able to see game clearly even at long distances. Those who want to buy a new pair of hunting binoculars therefore tend to focus on a model with the highest possible magnification factor. However, depending on the situation, this feature can also be a hindrance. For example, hunting binoculars with high magnification are quite suitable for the field. In the forest, however, the smaller field of view quickly limits visibility. It is also important to know that high magnifications always entail a loss of light. For example, 10x56 hunting binoculars do not provide as bright an image as 8x56 binoculars for the same quality.

It may therefore be worthwhile to forego a higher magnification and instead take advantage of the benefits in terms of field of view size and brightness. These are particularly noticeable when observing at twilight and can make the decisive difference to hunting success. Another advantage: hunting binoculars with low magnification are less sensitive to camera shake. For example, 8x binoculars are easier to hold steady in the hand than 10x binoculars.

Objective lens diameter The second indicator is the objective lens diameter in mm. For example, 7x50 prism binoculars have lenses with a diameter of 50 mm. This figure describes an important performance feature, because the larger the objective lenses are, the more light enters the optics and the brighter the image appears. However, a larger aperture also means an increase in weight, which is an important factor for hunting binoculars.

A diameter of 21 mm is sufficient for daytime observations in good weather conditions. But if observations take place during twilight, binoculars should have a lens diameter of at least 50 mm. In addition, the quality of the materials and coatings plays a special role here, because this can increase the light transmission.
On the other hand, if you switch to thermal imaging at dusk and at night anyway, you will be better off with 8x42 or 10x42 all-round hunting binoculars.


Different types of hunting require different characteristics of the binoculars. What types of hunting are there and how should the binoculars be designed for the different types of hunting? Here we give a brief overview of the different types of hunting and which binocular characteristics are advantageous in each case.

Stalking hunt
In this type of hunting, the hunter moves slowly and carefully through the woods to watch the game. In order for the hunter to discover or kill the game unseen, the hunting binoculars should be light and robust. A low magnification of about 8x is recommended. This way the hunting binoculars still fit well in the hand and offer ideal observation. A maximum lens diameter of 42 mm is optimal so that the hunting binoculars do not become too heavy.

Hunting from a raised hide
When hiding, the game is usually observed for several hours until dusk. The hunting binoculars should therefore have a magnification of at least 8x and an objective lens diameter of at least 50x. A higher weight will also prevent the image from "shaking". If the hunting binoculars become too heavy in the long run, you can use a tripod.

Drive hunting
The driven hunt is a moving hunt with several hunters. The hunters slowly drive the game from cover and get it moving. The hunter can then kill the game safely and gently. Because of the active and fast movement, the hunting binoculars must be robust and easy to handle. A magnification of maximum 8x and a lens diameter of maximum 42 mm are a good choice here.

Prismáticos BRESSER Pirsch ED 8x42 con Revestimiento corrector de Fase
Estos prismáticos de la serie Pirsch ED de BRESSER le ofrecen colores aún más brillantes y reales. Como nuestro otro prismático de alta calidad Allround de la serie Pirsch de BRESSER, nuestro Pirsch ED es apto para cualquier uso, ya sea durante excursiones o para la caza. Nuestros prismáticos Pirsch están realizados con un revestimiento corrector de fase presentando una imagen más contrastada y de alta definición. Además, estos prismáticos están provistos de vidrio de baja dispersión ED y alto rendimiento ofreciéndole colores aún más auténticos y una imagen más viva. Así mismo, gracias al vidrio de baja dispersión ED de alto rendimiento se evita la aberración cromática. La imagen, además, se ve reforzada gracias al revestimiento múltiple completo. Gracias a la combinación del material de vidrio Barium-Kron incorporado y el revestimiento dieléctrico del prisma, las imágenes aún son más nítidas y claras. De esta manera, podrá obtener buenos resultados también durante las horas del crepúsculo. Las personas que llevan gafas también disfrutan de un confort óptimo en sus observaciones gracias al portaocular de goma Twist-Up regulable en dos niveles. El revestimiento de goma proporciona un agarre antideslizante en toda la superficie del prismático. Todos los modelos de Pirsch ED están equipados con una correa muy cómoda de llevar. Todos los modelos de la serie llevan un relleno de gas de argón de alta calidad que evita que sus prismáticos puedan empañarse. Además, todos los modelos de Pirsch ED son resistentes a la niebla y agua. PROPIEDADES Prismáticos compactos y multiusos Vidrio de baja dispersión ED para unos colores más exactos Revestimiento corrector de fase de alta calidad para imágenes claras y ricas en contrastes Impermeables y rellenos de Argón para evitar que se empañen Revestimiento de goma También perfecto para aquellas personas que lleven gafas +/- 4 dioptrías Bolsa de nailon con correa para un mejor confort en el transporte durante largas excursiones CONTENIDO DE LA ENTREGA Prismáticos Bolsa de nailon con correa Anchas correas de sujeción acolchadas Tapa protectora del objetivo Tapa protectora para el ocular Gran paño para la limpieza de la lente Instrucciones de uso

299,00 €*
Prismáticos BRESSER Pirsch ED 8x56 con Revestimiento corrector de Fase
Estos prismáticos de la serie Pirsch ED de BRESSER le ofrecen colores aún más brillantes y reales. Como nuestro otro prismático de alta calidad Allround de la serie Pirsch de BRESSER, nuestro Pirsch ED es apto para cualquier uso, ya sea durante excursiones o para la caza. Nuestros prismáticos Pirsch están realizados con un revestimiento corrector de fase presentando una imagen más contrastada y de alta definición. Además, estos prismáticos están provistos de vidrio de baja dispersión ED y alto rendimiento ofreciéndole colores aún más auténticos y una imagen más viva. Así mismo, gracias al vidrio de baja dispersión ED de alto rendimiento se evita la aberración cromática. La imagen, además, se ve reforzada gracias al revestimiento múltiple completo. Gracias a la combinación del material de vidrio Barium-Kron incorporado y el revestimiento dieléctrico del prisma, las imágenes aún son más nítidas y claras. De esta manera, podrá obtener buenos resultados también durante las horas del crepúsculo. Las personas que llevan gafas también disfrutan de un confort óptimo en sus observaciones gracias al portaocular de goma Twist-Up regulable en dos niveles. El revestimiento de goma proporciona un agarre antideslizante en toda la superficie del prismático. Todos los modelos de Pirsch ED están equipados con una correa muy cómoda de llevar. Todos los modelos de la serie llevan un relleno de gas protector de alta calidad que evita que sus prismáticos puedan empañarse. Además, todos los modelos de Pirsch ED son resistentes a la niebla y agua. PROPIEDADES Prismáticos compactos y multiusos Vidrio de baja dispersión ED para unos colores más exactos Revestimiento corrector de fase de alta calidad para imágenes claras y ricas en contrastes Impermeables y rellenos de gas protector para evitar que se empañen Revestimiento de goma También perfecto para aquellas personas que lleven gafas +/- 4 dioptrías Bolsa de nailon con correa para un mejor confort en el transporte durante largas excursiones CONTENIDO DE LA ENTREGA Prismáticos Bolsa de nailon con correa Anchas correas de sujeción acolchadas Tapa protectora del objetivo Tapa protectora para el ocular Gran paño para la limpieza de la lente Instrucciones de uso

379,00 €*
Prismáticos BRESSER Pirsch 8x42 con Revestimiento Corrector de Fase
Este prismático „Allround“ de alta calidad de la serie Pirsch de BRESSER es apto para cualquier uso: de vacaciones, de excursión o de caza. Nuestros prismáticos Pirsch están realizados con un revestimiento corrector de fase presentando una imagen más contrastada y de alta definición. La imagen, además, se ve reforzada gracias al revestimiento múltiple completo. Gracias a los prismas ópticos Bak-4 la imagen aún se ve más nítida y clara. Las personas que llevan gafas también disfrutan de un confort óptimo en sus observaciones gracias al portaocular de goma Twist-Up regulable en dos niveles. El revestimiento de goma proporciona un agarre antideslizante en toda la superficie del prismático. Además todos los modelos Pirsch vienen rellenos de gas protector y son resistentes a la niebla y al agua. PROPIEDADES Prismáticos compactos y multiusos Revestimiento corrector de fase de alta calidad para imágenes claras y ricas en contrastes Impermeable y relleno de nitrógeno para evitar que las lentes se empañen Revestimiento de goma También óptimo para aquellas personas que lleven gafas +/- 4 dioptrías CONTENIDO DE LA ENTREGA Prismáticos Bolsa de nailon y trabilla Ancha correa de sujeción acolchada Tapa protectora del objetivo Tapa protectora para el ocular Pañuelo para la limpieza de las lentes Instrucciones de uso

199,00 €*


Most of the time, these are animals that can only be observed at dusk and at this time of day the lighting conditions are not ideal for observations with the naked eye. This is why hunting binoculars need to be all the brighter so that details can be seen even at dusk in the morning or evening hours. Binoculars should already have a magnification of 7x and a corresponding objective lens diameter of at least 50 mm to do justice to this twilight performance. The power to make observations at twilight is indicated in the twilight index. This is a standardised value for comparing optical devices with regard to detail recognition, especially in poor lighting conditions.

The higher the twilight factor, the more light the device theoretically emits. However, the twilight factor does not say much about the quality of hunting binoculars. For example, a pair of binoculars for €2000 has the same twilight factor as a pair for €200. This parameter can therefore only be used as a nominal value for the same binocular series.The twilight factor is calculated from the square root of the product of magnification and lens diameter. So for a 7x50 hunting binocular: (square root of magnification x objective diameter).
e.g: square root of 7x50 = 18,71

What the exit pupil says about hunting binoculars

In addition to the twilight number, the exit pupil is also of great importance for twilight vision. This refers to the diameter of the light beam that shines out of the eyepiece and hits the eye of the observer.. It can be calculated quite simply as follows: objective lens diameter divided by magnification. For a pair of 7x50 hunting binoculars, this would be:

Objective lens diameter 50 mm ÷ 7x magnification = 50 mm ÷ 7 = 7.14 mm.

The larger this value is for hunting binoculars, the brighter the image will appear. However, there are limits, because the pupil of the eye can dilate to a maximum of 7 mm in young people in the dark. With increasing age, this value even decreases, so that for a 50-year-old it is only about 5 mm. This means that the exit pupil of a 7x50 hunting scope can no longer be used completely. However, such hunting binoculars can still be the right choice for older people in some situations. When observing "from the move", the observer's pupil does not move so quickly out of the exit pupil diameter and the associated shadowing of the field of view does not occur.


A major factor in the imaging of hunting binoculars, however, is that as little light as possible is lost along the path of the lens aperture all the way to the eye. For this reason, additional coatings are used at higher quality levels, which transport the light even better. This is where BRESSER uses the UR coating or Ultimate Reflection coating. Hunting binoculars like the Pirsch ED even have a Dielectric coating, which transports the light even better to the eye. This further increases the light transmission of the lenses.

A further coating is used for contrast. This is often referred to as phase coating. This is a special coating on the roof prism. When the light hits the roof prism, it is reflected several times in the shape of a roof edge. In addition, the reflection splits the beam into two segments. This procedure causes a shift in the phases of the light waves. The waves of the light rays are not equal, but shifted. This would minimize the resolution and also the contrast. However, to prevent this, special layers are applied to correct this phenomenon.


When hunting, you are often in rough terrain. Therefore it is important to have robust hunting binoculars as a companion. Several factors play a role. Firstly, hunting binoculars should be waterproof and filled with nitrogen. So even a rain shower or fog cannot damage the binoculars. Also, the nitrogen or argon filling prevents the binoculars from fogging from the inside. So the binoculars are always ready for use.
Furthermore, the important components such as eyepieces and focusing should be very robust. BRESSER's hunting binoculars all feature metal twist-up eyecups and metal focusing. The stalking and stalking EDs still offer metal bridges, which fully round off the concept. A rubber armouring offers further protection. This should not be too thin to provide enough protection against light impacts.

the weight of a hunting binocular depends strongly on its use. A lightweight hunting binocular is ideal for transport and for use during active hunting. A heavy binocular > strong> on the other hand has the advantage that it is easier to hold in the hand and the image does not start to "tremble". If the binoculars become too heavy, you can also use a tripod when sitting upright.


The guarantee is another important factor. Because despite all precautions a hunting binocular may fall from a high seat. So make sure you have a sufficient guarantee. Many manufacturers offer a longer warranty period than 2 years. BRESSER even offer a premium warranty free of charge for the hunting binoculars Condor, Pirsch and Pirsch ED. This covers all damages which can occur during normal use. Your binoculars will be repaired free of charge if they fall from a high seat, for example. You can find more about this guarantee at  


<p>Which hunting binoculars accompany the hunter depends on the intended use. After all, stalking, sitting and driven hunting place different demands on the hunting optics. Good universal binoculars are models with a 42 mm objective lens diameter and a magnification of 8x to 10x. If you want to see details at dusk and at night, you need hunting binoculars with a lens diameter of at least 50 mm.</p>

<p>When sitting in a hide, you need fast hunting binoculars for twilight and night hunting. For this reason, binoculars have an objective lens diameter of at least 50 mm. However, good 42 mm binoculars with high-quality glass materials and coatings can also be used for hunting into twilight.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Those who wear glasses need hunting binoculars with appropriate eyepieces. To set the optimum distance between the eyes and the eyepiece lenses, they must be equipped with foldable rubber or twist-up eyecups. They should also have a raised eye point of at least 13.5 mm so that the complete field of view can be seen even with a visual aid. To compensate for the difference in the visual acuity of the left and right eye, hunting binoculars for spectacle wearers also have dioptric compensation.</p>

<p>Those who have just started hunting often still have to purchase the complete hunting equipment. Accordingly, a good price-performance ratio is of particular importance here. Nevertheless, the twilight performance of the hunting binoculars should be right, because hunters very often have to deal with difficult light conditions. 8x42 or 10x42 binoculars with the highest possible coatings are a good all-rounder to start with.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Since hunting is all about targeting game even at long distances, a pair of hunting binoculars should have a magnification of at least 8x. When choosing the appropriate magnification, always bear the following in mind: The higher the magnification, the heavier the binoculars, the darker the image and the smaller the field of view. In addition, at magnifications of 12x and higher, the image can no longer be held steady in the free hand.</p>

<p>For mountain hunting, many hunters prefer binoculars with 10x magnification. After all, game must often be safely addressed at a greater distance here. Weight also plays an important role for mountain hunters, which is why the lens diameter should not exceed 42 mm. High-quality coatings increase the light transmission and thus ensure a bright image even when hunting in the mountains.</p>